Avid Magnum – Aircraft of the Month

The Avid Magnum was one of the main E-AB aircraft I was interested in as a teenager, in the 1990’s. I started going to Airventure in Oshkosh in 1992 and have attended quite a few times since then. I got to go for quite a few demo flights in the prototype (in the picture above) at Airventure, with floats at the sea plane base, in Denver CO and at there factory in Idaho.

The Experimental – Armature built option is really what caught my attention due to the access ability and not dealing with the extremely expensive upkeep on a certified aircraft that is decades old with who knows what real history behind it. The one problem with the E-AB category is the bulk of the options are setup for people 5’6″, 120 Lbs operating at sea level, good for them, not for me. The Magnum was sized for people bigger than me, only 2 seats and a lycoming O-360 engine designed and operated in the northern rocky mountain state of Idaho (high density altitude). A common feature of all Avid designs is wings that could fold back so the aircraft could be put on a trailer or kept in less space at an airport.

Dean Wilson was the designer and was influential on many of the construction methods and features that are also common on the Kitfox and Just Aircraft series. However unlike these 2 companies the Avid company was sold moving the factory to a highly unpopulated area of Montana, this closed for good in 2003. Its really a shame because Avid had such good aircraft. There is some info about company restarts but being a regular attender of airshows this looks to be parts support and not full new kits.

There is not too much info online any more about the aircraft but I see an avid of some model every now and then at a local airport or airshow. here are a few articles I found on it:

I’m un-able to find any RC options of this aircraft, the closest thing would be the freedom fox collaboration between flite test and Trent Palmer (ref previous post)
